February Product Update: New Google Analytics integration, extra form customisations and more…

February Product Update: New Google Analytics integration, extra form customisations and more…

It’s time for another product update and we’ve got plenty to share with you this month. We have made a lot of progress on the accessibility front these past few months, including the introduction of a new integration solution together with Zapier and our recently attained WCAG certification. We’ve also added some cool new features to the platform itself, including some additional feedback form customisation options.

Curious what’s new?

The newest product updates at Mopinion:

  • New and improved Google Analytics integration
  • Mopinion is now WCAG compliant
  • Custom Intro & Thank you page editor in form builder
  • Integrate your user feedback data with Zapier

Get more details on all these updates below.

1. New and improved Google Analytics integration

We have some exciting news for all of the Google Analytics geeks out there! Mopinion has just launched a new Google Analytics (GA) integration that will enable Mopinion users to track and analyse feedback form results (such as scores and feedback categories) directly from GA – and this time, without the hassle of setting up these events manually.

Mopinion: February Product Update - GA Toggles

In addition to tracking GA parameters, Mopinion users now also have the option to track the feedback being inputted by their visitors in Google Analytics (and cross-analyse this with behavioural data from GA). This means users can view feedback scores (e.g. NPS, CES and CSAT) as well as feedback categories and multiple choice options that their visitors have selected in their feedback forms alongside user behaviour data. Feedback results are grabbed from the form and posted as custom events in Google Analytics.

Read more about how to set up this integration here.

2. Mopinion is now WCAG compliant

The Mopinion software is now WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliant. This means that our front-end software and feedback surveys conform to the strict WCAG guidelines set in place by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – making our software more accessible to all types of web users, especially those with disabilities.

Mopinion: February Product Update - WCAG Form Difference
Standard vs WCAG-compliant feedback form

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is an internationally recognised technical standard that ‘makes web content more accessible to people with disabilities’. Web ‘content’ in this context refers to natural information such as text, images and sounds, or code / markup that defines structure and presentation. The guidelines address the following criteria: mobile accessibility, people with low vision, and people with cognitive and learning disabilities.

Learn more about how to activate WCAG-proof feedback forms here.

3. Custom Intro & Thank you page editor in form builder

We have a couple of new page elements in our form builder: the Custom Intro Page and Custom Thank You Page. These two elements are a great way to customise your feedback forms from start to finish.

Custom Intro Page
The custom intro page is a handy way to kick off your online feedback surveys. You can give your visitors the option to start the survey or close the survey – using plain text or interactive links which can be displayed as regular hyperlinks, buttons or as panels (new!). Here is an example of an intro page (with panels and a regular hyperlink) below.

Custom Thank You Page
The Thank You page is the final page after a visitor has filled in a feedback form on your website. Previously, we only offered a standard option, which included a default ‘thank you’ text with a check mark indicating that the survey was successfully submitted. However, due to the requests of several clients, we have included some customisation options.

Mopinion: February Product Update - Custom Thank You Page

The custom thank you page offers almost all of the same options as the intro page, plus form logic and the option to add images and icons. The form logic is a particularly useful new addition as this allows users to alter the thank you page depending on what the visitor has submitted in the form. For example, if the visitor provided a high NPS, the user can choose to thank the visitor with a discount offer. Alternatively, if the visitor provides a low score, the user can apply the standard thank you message.

Note: it is not required to use these customisations. If you choose not, your forms will use the standard default setting: first page is your first question of the survey and your thank you page is the default thank you page (mentioned previously).

4. Integrate your user feedback data with Zapier (using Mopinion webhooks)

Mopinion has teamed up with online automation tool Zapier to deliver quick and easy integrations between your Mopinion feedback data and various web applications such as Salesforce, Mailchimp, Trello and much more.

Mopinion: February Product Update - Zapier

Rather that switching back and forth from dashboard to dashboard, you can have your data pushed to all your favorite applications, enabling you to review and cross analyse data in one place. This is done using our webhook system, whereby user feedback data is pushed to Zapier in real-time. Once there, you can add an action to a Zapier trigger, which allows the feedback to be sent to thousands of other applications.

Want to get started? Be sure to check out our step-by-step ‘how to’ for integrating your user feedback with Zapier.

Suggestions or questions about the new updates?

Do you have ideas or suggestions on how we can improve our software to meet your needs? We are always open to new ideas! Feel free to send us an email.

Ready to see Mopinion in action?

Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.