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Employee in the Spotlight: Lynn Jonker

Once again, it’s with great pleasure that we present to you our next Employee in the Spotlight! At Mopinion we like to put our people first, so we’re putting them one after another in the Spotlight to get to know them a bit better. Last month we introduced Jos, our Product Manager. This time, let’s make some noise for Lynn Jonker!

Meet Lynn. Lynn joined the Mopinion Team in May, but we feel like she’s been with us for ages already, since she put a real focus on Growth in the Marketing Team. As far as we can say, she’s settling in just fine and keeping up the pace with her engaging social media posts and some real banger experiments. Her love for dogs and animals of all kinds is no secret, see for yourself!

Lynn Jonker sitting

What does your position at Mopinion entail?

As a Growth Marketer, I am responsible for Growth Marketing and Social Media Marketing at Mopinion. This also entails some testing and experimenting, and some sales and leads qualification. I also do different research on our personas, which is very interesting.

What initially drew you to Mopinion?

I was looking for a small company where I could take over more responsibility and get a good perception of my own value. Mopinion really ticked all the boxes with being a fun, Rotterdam-based company where working closely with your colleagues is important. So… Less talking, more doing.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I always start my day with lead qualification. After that I check all things social media from analytics to content planning. Often I plan some meetings with colleagues about an ongoing project in the morning to stay connected with everyone.

In the afternoons, I check on current experiments and start new experiments. After that, I take some time for administrative tasks. I really like to end my day with getting inspiration from other bloggers and influencers to find new, exciting possibilities to test or grow.

Lynn Jonker

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

At Mopinion you can feel that we are a close team with the same goals. I really like all the freedom I get, so I can put up my own plans together, in a role where I have many tasks to find out what I am really good at and what I’m not as good at!

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

Probably my biggest challenge at my job is handling time management – because of the freedom and the diversity of tasks. I am often ending up trying to multitask, but I am not made for that! So that’s why I plan my days properly and decide in advance which tasks are scheduled for when.

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

Probably a recent social media post that got so many impressions on LinkedIn. And yes, it involved a photo of a dog.

Lynn with dog

And now for some fun questions…

What do you like to do in your free time?

In her free time, she really likes to walk her dog, and generally we sense that Lynn is a true animal lover.

“I love all animals and can’t really decide which one is my favourite. Though… dogs are probably my favourite.”

When she is not obsessing over animals, Lynn loves to be active. From boxing over insanity, pilates and boot camps, you can also find Lynn on the tennis court or running in the parks of her new home city, Rotterdam. She also loves trying out new plant-based recipes and cooks up some delicious meals for her friends when she has the time.

employee in the spotlight

What is your guilty pleasure?

“I love musicals and 80s hits! Some of my favourites are Céline Dion, Madonna, Phil Collins, Lionel Richie and Marvin Gaye. Another guilty pleasure is watching different housing shows on HG TV. I could do that all day long.

Who inspires you?

I don’t have anyone specific that inspires me. I find people who stand up for human rights, animal rights and the environment very inspirational. I also think people who perform small acts of kindness are already quite inspirational, I think it’s generally in the small things of life.

What is one thing you can’t live without?

My dog and my Corona Sweatpants.

What is your favorite quote?

I don’t live by quotes, I live by actions.

Lynn, 2021

What is your biggest fear?

I am a horrible driver. I could participate in the worst driver of the Netherlands and I would win. #slechtstechauffeurvannederland
And chickens – they are so cute but so scary at the same time. They always try to run after you and want to pick your leg with their beaks.

Lynn in tree

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully in 5 years I will know all the ins and outs of marketing by then! I also would like to experience some time living and working abroad and, of course, get some pets.

But in 20 years, I definitely see myself having a farm.

What is something that not many people know about you?

I used to be a gamer girl. I would prefer people not to know now, but I was really into video games!

Stay tuned for the next Employee in the Spotlight!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know our Growth Marketer a little bit better. Next month we will introduce another member of the Mopinion team to you.