mobile marketing

7 Mobile Marketing Tips to Supercharge your Strategy

Over the last decade, mobile technology has quickly become the core of almost everything, changing consumer behaviour forever. So it should come as no surprise to you that this new medium has also had a major impact on other areas such as e-commerce, brand awareness and customer service. Today, more than 85% of internet users are mobile.


But with this rise in popularity of mobile marketing, competition among mobile marketers has become fierce. So what does it take to be a successful mobile marketer? In this post, we share with you some of the best mobile marketing tips to improve your strategy and ultimately boost your business.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is essentially the art of marketing your business in a way that appeals to mobile users. (So almost everyone.) According to WordStream,

When done right, mobile marketing delivers personalised, time- and location-based information to customers or potential customers who use smartphones, so they get exactly what they need, even when they’re on the go.

Mobile marketers are responsible for collecting mobile user data and finding ways to both improve and personalise the mobile journey. As mobile continues to grow and become more popular, mobile marketers are aware of the importance of a good mobile experience. This includes providing top-notch customer service and customer experiences throughout the mobile journey.
However, many mobile marketers now rely on user feedback methods, such as providing mobile feedback surveys and mobile messaging. These marketers also like to run analytics from time to time to ensure that the improvements they make are meaningful and effective in improving the mobile journey. But what makes one mobile marketer more successful than another?

We have the answers for you. Here are the 7 mobile marketing tips to improve your strategy:

mobile app

1. Know your audience and understand how they interact with mobile devices

No matter how good you think your campaign is or how good it looks on paper, there’s no point going through with it if you don’t accurately target your audience.

Ask yourself if they are tech-savvy users with the latest smartphones? Are they downloading applications? Or are they late-adopters who don’t really know their way around a smartphone? Perhaps they are best targeted via a mobile website rather than an app.

Depending on who your target audience is and what their tech savvy and mobile habits are, you can tailor your campaign to their needs and behaviours using the data you collect about your target audience(s).

2. Stay relevant

A common thread across all best practices for mobile marketers is providing a relevant experience. When marketers know how to leverage context for relevance, they’re certain to achieve success.

It’s key for companies to stay up to date with the latest trends in digital and mobile marketing. There are always new and innovative tools and techniques to improve your mobile app, and it’s important to use these to stay ahead of the game. Keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing, improving customer data and taking advantage of emerging technologies is essential to staying relevant.

In 2019 mobile advertising spending totalled 189 billion USD, and in 2015, mobile advertising spending in the United States came to an estimated $12.5 billion. That’s a massive climb! So what is this growth attributed to? The ‘near-universal demand for smartphones and online content’. In other words, mobile advertising is definitely not going anywhere anytime soon.

Mobile is the enabling centrepiece of digital convergence. Mobile is the glue for all other digital industries to use when approaching convergence, but mobile is also the digital gateway for the real world to join in this global metamorphosis of human behaviour.
Tomi Ahonen, consultant and speaker

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3. Listen to mobile users

By developing a deeper understanding of your mobile users, you will be much better equipped to cater more effectively to their needs. With the goal of offering a smooth and user-friendly UX, mobile UX is something which must be continuously optimised — especially if businesses wish to maintain a loyal and satisfied customer base. This is where the collection of in-app feedback comes in handy.

Listening to your users by collecting in-app feedback will not only help mobile marketers learn more about the wants and needs of their users, but also give them the insights they need to both measure and improve mobile performance.

The customer is the only one who knows what he/she wants to see, so take advantage of their feedback. By using their feedback, things such as bug reports are solved much more quickly in the app. In this article, you will find more information about how to gather the best in-app customer feedback.

A user-friendly mobile app is just as important as a user-friendly website. So don’t wait too long to ask for user input, because that’s what it’s all about: a happy and loyal customer.

4. Leverage personalisation

Being able to provide a personalised experience still proves to be a real challenge for many mobile marketers. In fact, if marketers aren’t creating and promoting personalised, engaging mobile content, it’s likely they’ll lose those potential users to the competition.

Move away from the mass marketing tactics, and instead, deliver tailored messages to user’s based on their behaviours. A good mobile marketer knows that the first step in achieving a personalised mobile journey is by creating user profiles to segment customers. This type of data — especially if combined with user feedback — not only gives you a deeper look into the pool of customers you’re collecting data from, but also helps you understand how truly different these segments are and how their behaviour varies in-app.

Want to learn more about how you can use customer profiles alongside feedback data? Check out this article.

Voorbeeld in-app feedback

5. Iterate consistently

This one applies to just about every type of digital marketer. The mobile market is constantly changing, and apps are becoming more advanced every day, making it all the more necessary for mobile marketers to keep their mobile experiences in line with customer expectations.

So once you’ve made changes or optimised a certain section of your mobile app, don’t leave it to age… Leverage optimisation tools such as user feedback to find out how these changes have affected your users, and use A/B testing to test the changes you’ve made in order to stay on the ball. Check out this beginner’s guide to conversion rate optimisation to read about how you can start optimising your mobile site or app for more conversions. But remember: this isn’t a quick-fix, it’s a constant process and the job is never really ‘done.’

6. Build a strong brand presence on social media

This will be a no-brainer to any mobile marketer (unless you’ve had your head buried in the sand for the past five to ten years.) Social media is essential to practically any mobile marketing strategy. If you aren’t leveraging your social media to increase your marketing strategy, you’re ignoring a very valuable resource.

The rise of social media has been steadily increasing over the past few years, but in 2020 it became clear that social media is the future, with 3.6 billion people using some form of social media worldwide. Most people spend the majority of their phone usage time on social media, and in 2019 mobile accounted for 83% of all social media visits in the US.

Building authentic brand-consumer relationships is only one of many advantages to developing a strong social media strategy. Other benefits of this are better SEO and higher conversion rates.

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7. Optimise the ‘post-click’ experience.

Advancements in advertising targeting technology allow advertisers to serve highly personalized ads to audiences based on criteria like demographics and online behaviour.

A huge portion of mobile ad spend is being wasted because advertisers don’t prioritize personalised post-click experiences on mobile.

This helps maximize ad clicks, which of course is essential, but it’s not enough. When you optimise the post-click experience, you’re motivating the user (who’s already clicked the advertisement) to also click the landing page CTA button. In order to do this, you must ensure your landing page is optimised properly. Elements of design, conversion ratio and retargeting affect the post-click experience.

One golden rule for landing pages is to think of every link (apart from your call-to-action button) as a distraction, and the best way to optimise it is to eliminate as many ‘distractions’ as possible.

Time to incorporate these tips into your strategy

Mobile marketing is here to stay, and studies show it will gain a bigger position as time goes on. So now is a better time than any to start adopting strategies that really work.


Ready to become a successful mobile marketer? Find out how Mopinion can help you to drive your mobile marketing strategy, today!

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