Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl - Cover Image

Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl

It’s time for our June Employee in the Spotlight! The Employee Spotlight series is Mopinion’s special way of giving you an inside look at the people behind our brand. Last time we highlighted a member of our Sales team, Fanny. This month we’re switching gears as we put our Financial Analyst in the spotlight, Thiara.

Meet Thiara. Thiara originally started off as our Office Manager here at Mopinion almost three years ago. However, as the company continued to grow and her range of responsibilities began to widen, she slowly started taking on more financial tasks and realised that that is where her interests lay. Now officially our Financial Analyst, Thiara is excited to learn more and expand her knowledge! In her free time, however, she’s busy being a mom to twin baby girls, spending time with friends and soaking up the sun when she can!

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl - Thiara in Office

Here’s her story…

Tell me more about your position at Mopinion…

‘Well, I just started out as our Financial Analyst this past February so I am still adjusting to all of my new tasks, such as maintaining an overview of revenues and expenditures, handling customer invoices, drawing up monthly and annual reports from sales and marketing figures and much more!’

What drew you to Mopinion?

‘I was in search of a smaller-sized company because I like the close cooperation smaller businesses have among colleagues and managers. I also wanted to be able to create my own role or at least have the ability to grow within my role.’

What does a typical work day look like for you?

‘First, coffee. Only then can I really start my day,’ she laughs.

‘My work is quite diverse but I suppose if I were to narrow it down to a daily basis: I keep track of our internal financial overview and the customer database, work on the monthly report figures and handle invoicing.’

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl - Thiara at work

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

‘I love that our managers give us the time and patience to develop ourselves in our career paths. It’s tough in the beginning because when working at a startup, you’re often ‘thrown into the deep’, but I appreciate that they give you space to figure out what works. I also like that despite how diverse our team is, we all fit together quite well which creates a really easy-going and laid back work atmosphere.’

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

‘Accuracy and sharp deadlines are probably the biggest challenges! These are so important when it comes to finance.’

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

‘Probably when I was promoted to Financial Analyst! I was really happy to take on the new challenge and develop my skills.’

And now for some fun questions…

What is your guilty pleasure?

‘Everyone probably knows this already, but definitely reality television. Some of my favorites are Temptation Island and Ex on the Beach!’

Who inspires you?

‘My mother. She has also trusted me and given me the space to be myself and follow my heart. She has also always supported me in my choices (even if they weren’t always the right ones) and whatever made me happy. She made me who I am today and that is something I definitely want to pass on to my twins.’

What do you like to do in your free time?

‘I love spending time with kids and family. I also love catching up with my girlfriends, sitting out in the sun and going to the swimming pool.’

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl - Walking with the twins

What is your favorite quote?

‘I love quotes! My favorite is…’

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl - Quote

‘We had a painting at home in the hallway with this quote. When I walked out of the house, I always read the quote before my day started.’

What is one thing you can’t live without?

My kids (of course), an agenda (otherwise my head will be all over the place) and popcorn (my favorite snack of all time).

What is your biggest fear?

‘Ferrets, definitely. I once babysat my neighbors’ pet ferret and the thing kept chasing me and biting my feet from under the couch. It was horrible and traumatising!

Mopinion: Employee in the Spotlight: Thiara Beijl - Ferret

I have also become more afraid of heights as I’ve gotten older. Sometimes I even have dreams about being at the top of a building and looking over the edge!’

What is something not many people know about you?

‘I used to play the recorder in the school orchestra, in primary school. I could play ‘Mary had a little lamb’ (Liesje had een lammetje).’

Stay tuned for more!

We hope you enjoyed this month’s Employee in the Spotlight! Stay tuned for our July spotlight…

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