Tealium and Mopinion: the newest data power couple

Tealium and Mopinion: the newest data power couple

Forget about Beyonce & Jay-Z, Kim & Kanye, or David & Victoria. There’s a new power couple in town. Mopinion is proud to announce the new and robust Tealium and Mopinion integration; a powerful alliance between tag management and customer feedback that combines precision targeting and smart data collection, giving users relevant and informative insights into the digital customer experience.

Tealium offers an extensive suite of data solutions catered to helping digital teams effectively manage large sums of data. With Mopinion, users can collect and analyse customer feedback from online visitors on websites and mobile apps.

Mopinion: Tealium and Mopinion: the newest data power couple - What is a tag
Source: Tealium

A Tag Management Solution (TMS) is a fundamental ingredient in the collection of customer data. This technology not only allows digital marketers to avoid IT bottlenecks, but also helps manage various marketing technologies at once. In the context of customer feedback, tag management simplifies the process of deploying and managing various feedback forms on your website.

Benefits of the Tealium and Mopinion Integration

The Tealium iQ Tag Management solution essentially acts as an anchor for deploying Mopinion feedback forms. In other words, it facilitates the deployment of the Mopinion Javascript tag on any webpage, while adhering to the rules set in place for targeting visitors. This is a great way of obtaining relevant and informative insights into the customer experience. It also eliminates the extra work of deploying forms individually – as it is hard coded in the HTML of the body-tag. Basically, all you will have to do is add the Mopinion tag ID to Tealium and you are good to go.

Fueling Personalisation efforts

Additionally, Tealium’s customer data platform AudienceStream lets users take their feedback data one step further by fueling strategic personalisation efforts. Start zooming in particular customer groups or segments and obtain insight into their experiences with your website or mobile app.

Source: Tealium

For example, say you want to learn more about a particular demographic or customer group. You can use Tealium to target Mopinion feedback forms on pages of your website that speak to the group, whether that includes products or content relating to the demographic.

Get Connected!

Take advantage and start surveying your visitors using advanced targeting and smart data collection to obtain the feedback insights you need for a superior customer experience! With the new Tealium and Mopinion integration, the options are endless.

For information on our Tealium integration, click here or for instructions on how to install Mopinion with Tealium, click here.

Other Mopinion Integrations…

Mopinion is partnered with various other digital marketing applications.
For a full list of integrations, visit our Integrations page.

Ready to see Mopinion in action?

Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.