Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - New Years

Mopinion’s Top 5 “Hottest” Blog posts of 2016

From user experience to annual benchmarks and from text analytics to customisable dashboards, we’ve covered a lot this past year. Mopinion’s blog touches on all things customer feedback with articles catered to every digital role. So let’s take a moment to reflect on what a wonderful year 2016 was with Mopinion’s top 5 “Hottest” blog posts of 2016!

1. Four Tips on Collecting Online Customer Feedback

Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - Four tips on collecting online customer feedback

We are in a digital whirlwind, in which “corporate” is slowly transforming into a “digital-first enterprise”. Customer feedback plays a crucial role in this transformation and is therefore becoming more important for online marketers of these digital-first enterprises. In this blog, Mopinion gives four helpful tips on how to get started with collecting online customer feedback.

Discover what these tips are and get started with your customer feedback program. Read the article here.

2. The ROI of Online Customer Feedback

Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - ROI of online customer feedback

While many companies have experimented with online feedback tools, a great deal of these companies have admitted that it was never more than a vanity tool for them. This is a missed opportunity because with the proper scope and application, online feedback can benefit you and your company in so many ways. Which is Mopinion has touched on three key examples of the Return on Investment (ROI) of online customer feedback.

Find out more about how you can achieve an ROI from online customer feedback. Read the full article here.

3. Five Different Types of Online Feedback Tools

Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - Five different types of feedback tools

Web analysts and digital marketers are making more and more use of tools that collect online feedback from the user. But which type feedback tool should your company use? There are a variety of ways you can collect feedback from users and customers. Think of the popularity of social media and comparison websites, where people express their opinion on websites, apps, (online) products and services. There are also lessons to be learned from the conversations that people have with the webcare team or chat service. This often comprises feedback that has not been specifically requested, but which you can obtain from the analysis of a variety of sources.

In this blog, Mopinion identifies five different types of online feedback tools to help you determine which is best for your company. Check it out here.

4. Utilising Customer Feedback to Increase Online Sales

Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - Increase Online Sales

When it comes to measuring feedback from your website and converting interest into sales, it can appear to be a very complicated process. However, the basic principles of introducing the right solution to increase online sales with customer feedback are remarkably simple and straightforward. The basic needs of any approach, according to Kees Wolters (Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Mopinion), are what he likes to call the three pillars. These are, namely, collecting feedback, analysing and reporting on feedback and going from insights to action.

We’ve got lots of tips for each of the three customer feedback stages that will help you boost your sales. Curious what they are? Take a look at the full article here.

5. Top Ten Biggest Irritations of 2016

Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - Top Ten Irritations

Problems logging in, never-ending download sessions, unable to find what you’re looking for? If you haven’t encountered these issues online, consider yourself lucky. Almost all of us, as consumers, experience different frustrations and irritations online. The tricky part here is for companies to be able to identify where these pain points are.

Each year Mopinion conducts a study based on customer feedback collected from its clients to determine top ten biggest online irritations of the year in review. The results will give you insights into the most problematic and irritation-inducing website issues for online visitors.

Check out which ones surfaced for the 2016 study here.

Here’s to 2017!

We’ve got a lot of fresh ideas on the menu for next year that will continue to enhance and feed your digital customer feedback programs. However, as experts in the area of customer feedback analytics, we are find it crucial to give our customers a voice, which is why we’d like to know if there are any areas you’d like us to touch on this year. We hope to hear from you!

Mopinion: Mopinion's Top 5 Hottest Blog Posts of 2016 - Cheers

Cheers and Happy New Year!