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Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is vital for every marketer. However, proper CRO is really what will help you achieve successful marketing efforts among your customers. This is why it is so important to be aware of the key CRO tactics out there as these will be sure to boost ROI and help you reach the growth goals you’ve set out for yourself. So – the million dollar question – which CRO tactics should you focus on to get the most ‘bang for your buck’? And more specifically, which Conversion Rate Optimisation tools will best help you achieve improved conversions? Stay tuned.


This post was last updated in June 2021


In this blog, we will look at six different categories of CRO tactics and the Conversion Rate Optimisation tools that fall under these categories.

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)?

CRO is the process of increasing the amount of visitors on a website that ultimately convert. A conversion can refer to either becoming a customer or meeting a specific conversion goal set out by the business. Some examples of conversion goals may include trial sign ups, white paper downloads or reaching particular URL destinations.

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There are six categories of CRO tactics:

Let’s take a look at each one more closely…

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Mopinion is a tool that belongs to several of the categories listed above. With this feedback analytics software, users can take the feedback from their customers and use these insights to not only capture leads in the ordering process, but also optimise particular pages and entire online funnels. With real-time data visualisation in customisable dashboards and charts, users are able to quickly and efficiently digest large sums of data and make it actionable. You can use Mopinion for WebsitesApps or E-Mails.

This ‘one-stop shop’ offers:

  • Feedback forms (passive and active)
  • Visual Feedback
  • More complex surveys that include question routing
  • In-depth analysis, including text analytics, sentiment analysis, smart labeling, etc.
  • Advanced data visualisation with in-chart filtering and customisable dashboards
  • Action Management

Lead Capturing

Capturing leads is, for obvious reasons, critical for your sales team, especially in terms of building up a good mailing list. This process provides a basis for creating relationships with prospects and furthering them within your sales processes. If you want to simplify the process of converting your visitors into good leads, it’s important to have a good lead capturing tool in place.

1. OptinMonster


cro software optinmonsterOne of the most favoured Conversion Rate Optimisation tools used for lead capturing is OptinMonster, which is utilised by nearly 300,000 websites. The tool comes with significant features such as: Analytics, Mobile-specific popups, page-level targeting, A/B testing and custom opt-in forms. Another remarkable feature that OptinMonster offers is called ‘’exit intent’’. This technology makes it possible for the user to show a popup opt-in on their website – specifically to web visitors who are in the process of exiting the page.

Pricing: This ranges from $9/month to $29/month depending on the package you choose.

2. SumoMe

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - SumoMe

SumoMe is also a WordPress plugin that enables users to monitor lead generation through list building. Users can create popup forms, scroll boxes, CTA popups and floating bars. The pro version of this tool gives users access to A/B testing, professional insights and pro templates.

Pricing: Pricing ranges from free to $119/month depending on the size of the package. There is also an enterprise version (pricing available upon request).

3. WPForms

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - WPForms

WP Forms is a well-known WordPress form builder which operates using a drag and drop form builder. The tool is quite user-friendly and quite feature rich – users can choose templates, build forms, view instant notifications and reply quickly to leads. Another significant feature is that WordPress forms, email marketing services (e.g. MailChimp) and payment collections through Paypal can be integrated with this tool.

Pricing: This ranges from basic ($39/month) to pro ($199/month). They also offer agency packages for $499/month.

4. Thrive Leads

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Thrive Leads

Do you use WordPress? Then Thrive Leads plugin might be a good option. This conversion rate optimisation tool offers various opt-in forms which are very easy to use, and also contains a user-friendly drag-and-drop form creator. The targeting option Thrive Leads has provides relevant offers to the web visitors. Users are also able to apply A/B testing with this tool.

Pricing: This ranges from $19/month for membership. However, you can also choose a licence pack (single, 5 and 15) ranging from $67 to $147.

5. Formstack


Formstack is a conversion rate optimisation tool that enables users to build surveys, contact forms, newsletter signups, event registrations, etc. Design of these forms is completely customisable and does not require support from developers. Furthermore, the tool offers its users A/B testing and analytics. What really sets this tool aside is that it is compatible with more than 40 other tools, including various payment platforms, email providers and CRM systems.

Pricing: This ranges from $39/month to $249/month.

6. Hello Bar

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - HelloBar

This conversion rate optimisation tool makes it possible to display a bar on the upper section of the page, which can be utilised to acquire prospects. In this way, a direct relationship with visitors is created which leads to faster actions. Furthermore, the tool can be integrated with Campaign Monitor, MailChimp and Aweber.

Pricing: This ranges from $4.95/month to $29.95/month depending on the number of click throughs.


Boosting conversion rates is every digital company’s goal. However, how will you know if you are succeeding without the proper analytics tool in place? This is probably one of the most critical parts of both planning and evaluating conversation rate optimisation efforts.

With these types of tools, you will gain more understanding of visitor behaviour and why certain parts of your website aren’t performing as expected. Many of these tools make use of simple metrics such as exit rate, bounce rate and much more. However, some of the more sophisticated analytics tools can also show users why their visitors are behaving the way they are.

7. Google Analytics

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Google Analytics

If you’re looking to find key problem pages, or see where you have high bounce rates or low conversions, Google Analytics could be an nice option. This analytics tool keeps track of many different metrics such as Bounce rate, Average Visitor duration, Amount of Views, Conversion rate, Conversion Goals and much more. All data is visible in carefully classified dashboards and charts. The insights that this tool provides are key to optimising funnels and conversion processes.

Pricing: Google Analytics offers a lifetime free package for small businesses. Enterprise pricing is done on quote basis.

8. Kissmetrics

kissmetrics blue

This conversion rate optimisation tool focuses on visitor behavior on the site, first-time visitor conversions and return visitor conversions. What really sets this tool apart from the rest is that it enables users to map out visitor steps starting from the page they start on all the way to conversion completion (e.g. based on the conversion goal you’ve set). Having this in your arsenal will help you increase your conversion goals.

Pricing: This ranges from $500/month (Growth Package) to $850/month (Power Package). There is also an enterprise option available (pricing on request).

9. Contentsquare

Content Square

Contentsquare’s experience analytics platform captures every in-page interaction and micro-gesture to understand the how and why of customer behavior. The digital experience analytics platform analyzes billions of digital behaviors, providing unique metrics, visualizations, and recommendations that every team can use to increase revenue, engagement, and growth.

Pricing: Pricing on request.

User Experience Testing

Offering a superior user experience is becoming increasingly important among businesses and customers alike. Applying any one of these tools is a great way to learn more about how your visitors experience your website. With the insights you receive from user experience testing tools, you can limit the amount of frustration as well as the frequency of technical complications that your customers experience.

10. Lucky Orange

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange is a conversion rate optimisation tool that provides visitor recording & session replay options as well as heatmapping, form analytics and conversion funnels. This tool also offers dashboards that enable users to filter and segment recordings and identify where visitors have dropped off.

Pricing: Pricing starts from $10/month up to $100/month depending on the size of the business. There is also an enterprise package available.

11. CrazyEgg

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Crazy Egg

This is a web analytics tool designed especially for conversion rate optimisation. CrazyEgg provides an in-depth understanding of visitor behaviour. Furthermore it provides heatmaps where users can identify popular click locations, the amount of clicks on certain page element and scrolling behaviour. Where the tool really stands out, is its ‘’Confetti’’ feature. This feature allows users to divide up all clicks based on visit date, search term and much more.

Pricing: CrazyEgg offers several different packages: Basic ($9/month), Standard ($19/month), Plug ($49/month) and Pro ($99/month).

12. Inspectlet

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Inspectlet

Inspectlet is a popular tool that monitors visitor behaviour via session recording and replay. It’s very similar to Hotjar in terms of features, however it also includes eye-tracking heatmaps. This conversation rate optimisation tool enables users to record every mouse movement, scroll and click. It essentially helps users understand how visitors experience their website, what’s irritating them, and what’s getting their attention.

Pricing: This ranges from free to $299/month depending on the package chosen. There is also an enterprise package available.

Page Optimisation

Page optimisation tools, also known as A/B testing tools, are often used to determine which pages will be the most successful among online visitors. Even the smallest of changes can have a huge impact on the conversion rate of any given page. After all, according to Marketing Sherpa, Just over half of companies and agencies that use landing pages also test them to find ways to improve conversion rates.

13. Optimizely

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Optimizely

Optimizely serves as an excellent page optimisation tool (or A/B testing tool), which can be utilised to examine two variations of a webpage. It includes a very easy-to-use editor that enables the user to modify an existing page or create a new one. This can be done without altering the code of the page. This conversion rate optimisation tool can be linked automatically to other tools such Google Analytics so you can simulate test sessions. It’s great for funnel tests!

Pricing: Optimizely uses a “Pay as you go” model, charging $49 for every 1,000 monthly unique visitors that you test.

14. Visual Website Optimizer (VWO)

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - VWO

VWO is by far one of the easiest A/B testing tools out there. Users can easily change headlines as well as alter buttons, pictures and other elements for testing. How does it work? Users simply point the tool towards a particular URL. The tool will then capture the page so you can start altering it for testing. There are multiple types of landing page templates available, e.g: webinar signups and eBook downloads.

Pricing: Pricing ranges from $299/month (Growth Package) to $599/month (Pro Package). There is also an enterprise package (pricing available upon request).

15. Leadpages

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Leadpages

Leadpages is a conversion rate optimisation tool that builds landing pages. It provides users with a large gallery of high-converting templates that can be customised using a drag-and-drop builder. Templates range from ebook downloads to webinar groups and sales pages. This tool can be integrated with MailChimp, InfusionSoft, Aweber and several other email marketing and marketing automation tools.

Pricing: This ranges from $25/month to $199/month.

16. Instapage

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Instapage

Instapage enables its users to create landing pages quickly. This conversion rate optimisation tool contains over 100 mobile-optimized landing page templates that are applicable in various situations, e.g mobile app introduction, lead gen or webinar signups. However, if you have a certain template in mind, you can import templates from any landing page and this tool this replicate the design. This tool also includes A/B Testing capabilities.

Pricing: There are four packages available: Core ($68/month), Optimizer ($113/month), Team & Agency ($203/month) and Enterprise (request quote).

17. Unbounce

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - Unbounce

Unbounce is yet another conversion rate optimisation tool that enables users to create and test landing pages, regardless of their level of HTML knowledge. This tool also offers pre-made templates that can be altered using drag-and-drop editors. Additionally, this tool has a relatively new feature that allows users to target overlays with a dedicated CTA at the top of every page.

Pricing: This ranges from $79/month (Essential Package) and $159/month (Premium Package) to $399/month (Enterprise Package).

Online Performance

A subpar online performance can have a major impact on your conversions. Aspects like slow-loading web pages, oversized images, too many plugins, or an unreliable web host are likely affect your performance and therefore have a negative effect on conversions. That is why it’s important to check these kinds of things regularly and fix them in a timely manner. There are several online performance tools available that will help you carry out these tests.

18. GT Metrix

Mopinion: Top 23 Conversion Rate Optimisation Tools: An Overview - GTmetrix

This conversion rate optimisation tool is amazing when it comes to testing the speed of a webpage. GT Metrix offers a dashboard that summarises key performance indicators, including PageSpeed scores (Google), YSlow Score (Yahoo!), as page details such as load time, page size, total number of requests etc.

Pricing: GT Metrix offers several packages: Basic (free), Bronze ($14.95/month), Silver ($49.95/month), Gold ($149.95/month) and Customer (pricing on request).

19. Pingdom


Pingdom is a great conversion rate optimisation tool for gaining valuable insights into online performance. It’s very easy to use – all users have to do is enter their URL and start testing. Within minutes you are provided with results regarding load time and performance. You can also monitor transactions using the transaction monitoring feature. What we really like about this tool is that it provides you with tips on how to speed up your website as well.

Pricing: Starts at €9.95/month and goes up to €188/month depending on the package you choose.

20. Lattice

Lattice provides one of the most popular performance management tools in the market. The platform serves business giants like Slack, Reddit, and many other eminent clients worldwide. You can organize your 360 reviews, share continuous feedback, track goals, and conduct employee engagement surveys effortlessly with the help of Lattice performance management platform.

Pricing: Starts at $9 only per month.

Marketing Automation

Many marketers are responsible for carrying out a number of repetitive tasks, such as emailing, social media and many other website actions throughout the day. Because many of these tasks contribute directly to generating new leads, it goes without saying that they play a huge part in increasing conversion rates. To make it easier for these marketers, there happen to be many tools on the market that help automate the process of carrying out these tasks. These are known as marketing automation tools.

21. Ontraport


Ontraport is a marketing automation tool that offers a wide range of features including email campaigns, lead capture tools, CRM, file sharing capabilities, split testing, social media integration and much more. On top of that, it offers a shopping cart functionality that enables users to customise their shopping cart – with automated payments (via credit card), upsell and cross-sell offers, etc.

Pricing: Pricing ranges from $79/month to $597/month.

22. Keap



Keap is one of the more popular marketing automation tools out there – especially for small businesses. This web-based solution coordinates tasks such as lead capture, ecommerce automation and email marketing. It also includes CRM which allows users to manage tags, set lead scores and build email subscriber profiles.

Pricing: Pricing starts at $99/month.

23. Convertkit


Convertkit is a cloud-based marketing automation tool that was created by bloggers for bloggers. Users of this conversion rate optimisation tool do not need much experience in creating email sequences. Users can also create responsive opt-in forms and embed them on the website, each offering incentive to sign up. The platform provides 3 different landing page templates that users can customise.

Pricing: This ranges from $29/month to $79/month depending on the number of subscribers. There is also a custom pricing option for 5k+ subscribers.


Selecting your Conversion Rate Optimisation Tool

We hope this overview has given you some good insight into which conversion rate optimisation tool(s) will help you achieve improved conversions. Each of these tools offers its own advantages. However the best way to choose which tool(s) work best for your business is to try them out. See what works well with your website or mobile app.

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Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.